Monday, May 14, 2018

Marcus Gilmore

Thanks to a lesson with John Riley last month, I've been inclined, upon his suggestion, to check out what Marcus Gilmore is up to lately. He's definitely been making waves (sound & otherwise) these days. Here's a wealth of links and clips to check out of this very unique, modern Jazz drummer.

- A feature from NPR:

- Interview with Jazz Speaks:

- An interview with Nick Ruffini over at the Drummer's Resource Podcast:

- A podcast from Chick Corea's website (somebody who knows a thing or two about drummers!):

And finally, here's a bunch of cool clips featuring this dynamic and creative musician:


  1. Hi, Jon
    Thanks for the blog! Always a pleasure to read and keep up to date with any cool drum articles/vids I haven't seen. I've also read parts of your doctoral thesis and it's really great! So thank you for that too.
    I'm currently doing my honours thesis looking at Gilmore's playing. I was wondering what Riley said about Gilmore that compelled you to check him out? I've been doing a lot of research on Gilmore and I can't seem to find a great amount, so I'd be curious to know any skerrick of info/talk about him that I haven't found yet.

  2. Hi there Lewis!
    I am also researching and writing a thesis about Marcus, actually it led me to this comment feed :D
    So if you feel like sharing your thesis with me for educational reasons I would be grateful!
    My email:
    Would be great to see someone else´s research + I would send you mine when I finish of course!
    Well greetings from Rotterdam!

    Btw thank you Jon for this goldmine of blogs :)
    Domen Cizej
