Thursday, September 22, 2011

Rifftide: The Life & Opinions of Papa Jo Jones

Looks like someone was finally smart enough to write a book about Papa Jo Jones. My copy is in the mail so I can't really tell you anything about it (!) but in the meantime we can enjoy this fine trailer about this important figure in Jazz drumming history:

And here's a few reminders as to why we should all listen to and study Jo Jones in the first place:


  1. Thanks for the info, Jon!

    Super cool.

    I didn't realize this book was happening. You should post the info on cymbalholic too!

  2. Thanks, you made my day!
    Ordered the book as well, can't wait until it makes its way overseas.
    This book seems to consist of interviews Albert Murray did with Jo Jones.
    Milt Hinton did a series of interviews with Papa Jo as well which Mike Tarrani posted in his blog a while ago.
    You can find them here:
    Definitely worth checking out!
    And yes, you should post the info on cymbalholic for sure.

  3. I just ordered it too! I'm totally pumped about it!

  4. Thanks, everyone! I hope you enjoy the book!!

  5. This is fantastic news. I have always felt that Papa Jo has been criminally underrepresented in jazz histories. He is the man, I will definitely get this book.
