Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Art Taylor!

GREAT drumming here today featuring Art Taylor with Sonny Rollins:

Anybody have any ideas as to who that bass player is?

(Editor's note: Irish bassist/blogger Ronan Guilfoyle and a host of others have informed me that this bassist is in fact Gilbert 'Bibi' Rovére, a French bassist who played a lot with visiting American musicians)


  1. The bass player is Gilbert Rovere from France.
    Google for "Sonny Rollins Trio & Ornette Coleman Quartet, "The Paris Concert", 1965-11-04" to find more from them.
    It might even be the same gig as on the video since they're all wearing the same outfit.

  2. Gilbert Rovere on bass. Dandy clip, Jon!

  3. it's paul"ib" rovere..

    thanks for your blog..


    (it's me who put this video)

  4. The bassist is Gilbert 'Bibi' Rovére - French bassist who played a lot with visiting American musicians
