Monday, September 2, 2024

Colleen Clark: Evolution of the Ride Pattern

And...we're back.

I hope you all had wonderful Summer holiday and now that September is upon us it's time to get back to work and back on saddle over here at Four on the Floor.

Today's blog post features some wonderful work from Dr. Colleen Clark and the Avedis Zildjian Company featuring Clarke's research of the evolution of the ride cymbal pattern.

There is a ton of great and well researched information here and I encourage you all to check this out:

In this lesson series, Zildjian artist Colleen Clark provides a historiographical and musical analysis examining the jazz ride cymbal pattern, from its inception on woodblock, small accessory cymbals, hand cymbal mechanisms and brushes through what becomes known as the modern-day ride cymbal pattern. This research examines a wide array of drummers and bandleaders, with the objective of identifying the earliest recordings of this important addition to jazz drumming, and popular music history while analyzing the ride cymbal pattern’s evolution through definitive recordings.

Part One Pattern on Non-Drum Surfaces 1917-1924

Part Two Pattern Played with Brushes 1927-1933

Part Three Pattern Played on Hi-Hats 1928-1936 + Bonus Hi-Hat Lesson

Part Four Pattern Played on Small Cymbals 1927-1933

Part Five Zildjian's Influence on the Ride Pattern 

Part Six Pattern Played on Large Cymbals 1928-1940

Part Seven Transition to Bebop and the Influence of Kenny Clarke 

Oh yeah, make sure to check these out too:

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