Monday, May 8, 2023

Melvin's Beat (drum solo)

Today I'd like to share an excerpt from a new production I've been working on called TapBassDrums with tap dancer Lisa La Touche, bassist Jodi Proznick and visual media designers Jae Sterling and Contra. This was performed and filmed at Decidedly Jazz Danceworks (Calgary, AB) during a creative residency last February and thanks to a generous grant from the Canada Council for the Arts. I'm really excited about this new project and what we accomplished. I hope to bring this show to a stage near you in the future.

This movement is a solo drum piece (featuring myself!) called Melvin's Beat (water) and was inspired and dedicated to Alberta jazz drummer and civil rights activist Melvin Crump.


  1. Beautiful playing and sound. Thank you for sharing!

  2. Fantastic Jon. Wonderful intonation with the chord patch too.Coincidentally we’re getting a much needed thunder shower as I listen. You’re a blessing mate.
