Monday, May 25, 2020


Someone recently remarked to me that despite the dire circumstances that our planet currently faces, great and creative things were bound to emerge. I fully agree with this statement and any quick survey of any social media platform will instantly reveal many talented artists putting their creativity to good work these days.

Kendrick Scott deserves a medal for coordinating and producing this incredible compilation of 39 contemporary jazz drummers (!) all playing over Thelonious Monk's Evidence.

In a way, I feel this is like the 2020 jazz drumming version of the NBA/NHL All-Star games!

Check it out:


Jeff Hamilton
Rodney Green
Mekhi Boone
Quincy Phillips
Savannah Harris
Ted Poor
Craig Weinrib
Ulysses Owens Jr.
Johnathan Blake
Allison Miller
Jeremy Dutton
Matt Wilson
Marcus Gilmore
Marcus Baylor
Nate Wood
Kendrick Scott
Anwar Marshall
Kassa Overall
Dan Weiss
Kush Abadey
E.J. Strickland
Corey Fonville
John Riley
Johnathan Pinson
Mark Guiliana
Eric Harland
Henry Cole
Terreon Gully
Jamison Ross
Christian Lillinger
Ralph Peterson Jr.
Kojo Roney
Antonio Sanchez
Justin Brown
Obed Calvaire
Dafnis Prieto
Rudy Royston
Justin Faulkner

"If you want to go fast, go alone. If you want to go far, go together" 

- African Proverb (via Kendrick Scott)