Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Ralph Peterson Drum Workshop

Some excellent masterclass footage today of Berklee drum professor Ralph Peterson recorded recently at the Prins Claus Conservatorium (is this somewhere in Europe?) Ralph talks about a lot of important musical issues in these clips, so some more great information here. Also, not bad trumpet playing...for a drummer after all !!!

And in these clips Peterson talks about his extensive career and the realities of pursuing a career in jazz music in today's environment:

Here's another blazing clip of Peterson in action from the 1990s with saxophonist Charlies Lloyd (?) Dig his real aggressive and over-the-top Art Blakey inspired style:

btw - on an unrelated topic, check out Peter Hum's brilliant post today over at where he interviews drummer Ian Froman:

1 comment:

  1. Yeah, Prins Claus Conservatory is in Groningen which is the north of The Netherlands. Great teacher and drummer, I just graduated there last summer. The school has an excellent program including many NY based teachers..
